Graduate & Professional Studies
Online graduate programs in nursing, computing ranked in top 25 nationally by U.S. News & World Report
Two Marquette programs are recognized among the top 25 nationally.
100 Years of the Graduate School kickoff event, Oct. 25
This year marks the 100th anniversary of the formation of the Graduate School at Marquette.
A reflection on the current state of Iran from Iranian graduate students at Marquette
Iranian graduate students at Marquette reflect on the current situation facing women in Iran.
Graduate student and Trinity Fellow named Milwaukee’s first Emerging Poet Fellow
Bre Legan is a second-year Trinity Fellow and graduate student in communication and digital media in the Diederich College of Communication.
Graduate School, Graduate School of Management Open House, Nov. 5
The Marquette Graduate School and Graduate School of Management will host their Graduate Programs Open House on Saturday, Nov. 5, from 9:45 a.m. to noon in the Alumni Memorial Union. Register online by Tuesday, Nov. 1, to attend. Attendees of the event will: Those unable to attend can view the Graduate School’s fall virtual information…