Student Life DNC rescheduled to week of Aug. 17, Marquette reviewing commitments for that week April 2, 2020
Student Life Office of Institutional Diversity and Inclusion developing Spanish website; pictures needed April 2, 2020
Student Life Students must request their Marquette Voter ID card by April 5 at 5 p.m., absentee ballots must be received by April 7 April 1, 2020
Student Life The Toilet Paper Dilemma: Managing the national and global supply chains amid a pandemic March 31, 2020
Student Life Take a Walk in the Park Day: Dr. Hunter gives tips on exercise during time of quarantine, social distancing March 30, 2020
Student Life University issuing room and board refunds (not credits) for residence halls March 30, 2020
Student Life Recognize COVID-19 scams and improve cyber security for remote learning and working March 30, 2020