From the Marquette University Law School
Stories at MU
Team Player
Greg Heller, L’96, has become a key leader for the Atlanta Braves, moving big ventures forward and solving problems while keeping a low-key, calm demeanor.
Stories at MU
Rweru Reconciliation Village: a symbol of forgiveness and healing in post-genocide Rwanda
College and school news
College and school news
Marquette Poll Finds National Majorities Think Parents and Government Could Improve Schools
Research & Innovation
Law School faculty spotlight: Franky Newcomb
For Franky Newcomb, being a librarian isn’t just a job—it’s an identity.
Campus Life
Campus Life, Stories at MU
Marquette Today Chats: Director of Marquette Law School Poll Dr. Charles Franklin
Established in 2012, the Marquette Law School Poll has set a new standard in Wisconsin polling and has become a valued source of public opinion insights in battleground America and beyond.
College and school news
Campus Life, MU+ Milwaukee & Beyond, Stories at MU
Marquette University cultivates space for civic engagement in presidential election year
College and school news
New Marquette Law School Poll national survey finds presidential race extremely tight
College and school news
Putting a face to harm — commemorating lives with Mary Triggiano