Health Sciences
Modern Master’s
The master’s program in biomedical sciences provides students with an introduction to real-world labs and their processes.
Students still carrying Marquette Challenge torch
When Dr. Sheila Schindler-Ivens was a senior at Marquette in 1989, she and other physical therapy students started the inaugural Marquette Challenge. Thirty-five years later, Schindler-Ivens calls the challenge the “ultimate servant leadership opportunity for students.” “Students shed blood, sweat, and tears for a profession that’s done nothing for them yet,” says Schindler-Ivens, associate professor…
Dr. Samuel Nemanich named 2024-25 AHPRC Pilot Award winner
Dr. Samuel Nemanich, assistant professor of occupational therapy in the College of Health Sciences, was selected to receive $10,000 as part of the Athletic and Human Performance Research Center’s Pilot Award program to help fund research over the academic year. Nemanich’s project is titled “Examining the Relationship Between Age, Sex, and Video Game Experience on Motor…
Fast facts on first-year graduate, professional students
Learn more about the makeup of each college and the students who traveled to Milwaukee from around the country — and world.
AHPRC fall seminar series lineup announced
The Athletic and Human Performance Research Center’s fall seminar series features three leading scientists in health and human performance.
Physical therapy professor takes second in Life Sciences category at the 21st annual Wisconsin Governor’s Business Plan Contest
Dr. Sheila Schindler-Ivens is an associate professor of physical therapy in the College of Health Sciences.