Submit proposals by Feb. 19 for International Town and Gown conference ‘Innovating for Tomorrow, Together’
Marquette is partnering with the City of Milwaukee and the International Town and Gown Association (ITGA) to host the 2021 virtual conference, “Innovating for Tomorrow, Together.” The event will take place Monday, May 24, through Wednesday, May 26. The Marquette community is invited to participate in the conference and to share efforts around engaging community partners in identifying…
Mass schedule and sign-up has resumed
Regularly scheduled daily Masses have resumed and will continue through the end of the semester. Due to COVID-19 health and safety precautions, Masses have limited capacity and you must sign up in advance to reserve a spot. See the schedule and sign up.
Leadership opportunities for students: Apply to be an ‘Arrupe Ambassador’ or ‘Cardoner Scholar’
The Office of Engagement and Inclusion is offering two leadership opportunities for students. Arrupe Ambassadors Hosted by the Office of Engagement and Inclusion, Arrupe Ambassadors is a cohort-based program primarily for juniors and seniors. The program focuses on social justice, vocation and reflection. The bi-weekly reflection-based leadership development curriculum invites students to reflect on their purpose…
Online computer science, nursing graduate programs move up in latest U.S. News rankings
U.S. News and World Report this week released its 2021 Best Online Programs rankings. Two Marquette programs are recognized — one in the top 10 nationally. Marquette’s Master’s in Computing program is ranked 6th among Best Online Computer Information Technology Masters Programs; it was ranked 16th the year prior. The College of Nursing’s online program is…
COVID-19 vaccination progress update
The Marquette University Medical Clinic was approved to become a COVID-19 vaccinator and is currently awaiting arrival of vaccines on-campus. The Medical Clinic anticipates arrival of vaccines soon. However, the Wisconsin Department of Health Services stated this week that the current demand for COVID-19 vaccines far exceeds supply. This is expected to continue over the next few weeks as demand grows, and supplies remain flat. Organizations should anticipate not receiving…
Community Engagement Awards nominations due Feb. 12
The Office of Economic Engagement is now accepting nominations for the 2021 Community Engagement Awards. The awards underscore the university’s commitment to community engagement and are guided by the definition of community engaged activities as those in which participants have significant and direct interaction with the community (local, regional/state, national, global) that allows for the bi-directional exchange…
University announces organizational changes to align related teams
During the past few months, nearly 100 faculty and staff collaborated across eight workstreams to analyze budgets and make recommendations for the future, generate efficiencies in spending, explore our use of campus space and identify new ways to generate revenue. That work helped inform key organizational changes, particularly the integration of the Office of Economic…
Remains of the Day
Artifacts from a historically relevant African American neighborhood are discovered amid an unrelated Civil War excavation. The unearthed treasures led to a cultural case study for a Marquette anthropology professor and her students.
Virtual Winter O-Fest is Feb. 16
The Office of Engagement and Inclusion has rescheduled the virtual Winter O-Fest for Tuesday, Feb. 16, from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. For the first time, the event will be hosted on the platform, “Degy World,” a virtual platform that allows participants to create their own avatar and meet with others digitally. Participants will be able to use…
Version 4 of Step 4 Recovery Plan now available
A fourth version of the university’s Step 4 Recovery Plan was released today. The 68-page document was updated for the spring semester and is now available on the university’s COVID-19 website. There were two main updates, including: Information on Marquette’s updated testing plan, particularly the new mandatory testing process for students Vaccine distribution The Medical…