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Securing Our Future Teams site transitions to Marquette 2031 Strategic Plan Teams site
The “Marquette 2031 – Securing Our Future” Teams site has been transitioned to a “Marquette 2031 Strategic Plan” Teams site.
Power of ten: Marquette’s spirit of collaboration over the past decade
A look at Marquette’s new spirit of collaboration and innovation and what it’s made possible over the decade since Dr. Michael R. Lovell became president.
A message from ELT: Guided by Mission, Inspired to Change
Acting President and Provost Kimo Ah Yun and EVP/COO Joel Pogodzinski share a message regarding the strategic plan.
Co-leads named for Marquette 2031 Strategic Plan implementation
Lora Strigens, vice president for planning and facilities management, and Alix Riley, chief academic effectiveness officer, have been appointed to co-lead the implementation of the Marquette 2031 Strategic Plan: Guided by Mission, Inspired to Change, Acting President and Provost Kimo Ah Yun announced today. Strigens and Riley will build upon the work done by the…
Nationally recognized college health leader Luis de Zengotita named Marquette’s inaugural chief wellness officer
Luis de Zengotita, MSW, MBA, has been named Marquette’s first-ever chief wellness officer.
Priority recommendations for Strategic Plan 2031 outlined in report
The report outlining all recommendations and their suggested sequencing is available online.
Marquette Nursing’s Dr. Maria Pena seeks to understand, improve sense of belonging for underrepresented students
Dr. Maria Pena’s research is an apt fit for Marquette’s College of Nursing, which — along with the university — places a high priority on student success and belonging. Pena, one of the newest Ph.D. recipients in the college, recently defended her dissertation, “Student Voice: Perceptions of Sense of Belonging and Involvement among Minoritized…
Strategic Integration Team named to guide implementation of Marquette 2031 Strategic Plan
In consultation with Marquette’s Executive Leadership Team, strategic plan implementation co-leads Alix Riley, chief academic effectiveness officer, and Lora Strigens, vice president for planning and facilities management, have named a Strategic Integration Team to make recommendations to the ELT regarding: The Strategic Integration Team, which includes members of the University Leadership Council with the requisite…