Graduate & Professional Studies
Stories of Graduate Student Success:Kathryn Barber, doctoral student in the Department of Psychology
Kathryn Barber is a second-year doctoral student in the Clinical Psychology program in the Department of Psychology at Marquette University. Barber works in the Behavior Therapy and Research Lab and her research focuses on trichotillomania (hair-pulling disorder) as well as other OCD-related disorders. She participated in the spring 2024, Three Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition and qualified as…
Graduate Student Organization (GSO) election results for 2024-2025
The Marquette University Graduate Student Organization (GSO) held nominations and elections in early April to elect new representatives for the upcoming 2024-2025 academic year. Congratulations to all the newly selected representatives. GSO e-Board Officers President: Cherise Edwards, College of Nursing Vice President: Eileen Carr, College of Nursing Community Engagement Officer: Julie Shlyakhetko, Graduate School of…
Apply for Graduate Women in Science Milwaukee Scientific Advancement Award
A total of three, $500 scientific advancement awards will be given to full-time female-identifying graduate students and post-doctorates in a STEM field.
Doctoral student in history wins prestigious 2024 Phi Kappa Phi Dissertation Fellowship
Melanie Lorenz, a doctoral candidate in the Department of History, was recently awarded a 2024 Phi Kappa Phi Dissertation Fellowship.
Graduate Women in Science raises $1,500 for scientific advancement award; applications open next week
Graduate Women in Science raised $1,500 toward three separate $500 scientific advancement awards.
Awards recipients honored at 100th annual Marquette Business Honors Convocation
Inductees to Alpha Sigma Nu and Beta Gamma Sigma also recognized at reception.
Stories of Graduate Student Success: Saba Heidari, doctoral student in the Department of Computer Science
Saba Heidari is a doctoral student in the Department of Computer Science studying adversarial attacks on neural networks.
Business students share stories from Spring Break trips abroad
Trips to Switzerland, Czech Republic and Vietnam broaden cultural understanding among business students