Move-in blessing for students from VP for Mission and Ministry Rev. John Thiede, S.J.

Good and Gracious God, 
we thank you for this time, we thank you for this day.  

Bless all who are gathered here this morning, 
and bless all who will move in throughout the day.  

Peace to all who enter this dwelling place.

God of love, be their shelter when they reside here, their companion while they are away, and their welcome guest when they return.  

Bless all of their family members as they help them move in, and may God accompany them during this transition as well.  

Come Holy Spirit, calm any anxieties students may feel as they start this new endeavor, help them to form new and lasting friendships, and to feel like they belong here at Marquette.  

Help us to remember our mission theme, that we might use our Ignatian Imagination to imagine a hope-filled year, a hope-filled future and a home here at Marquette.  

We Pray all this in Jesus’ name. 
