Resources available for Marquette community members impacted by wildfires 

Within the expanse of the Marquette community, some students, faculty and staff and/or their families are facing hardship due to the wildfires raging in California. Affected campus community members are encouraged to utilize on-campus resources such as:  

A campus prayer service will be held on Thursday, Jan. 23 at noon in the Chapel of the Holy Family to pray in solidarity for the greater Los Angeles community. The 10 p.m. Mass on Jan. 23 at the St. Joan of Arc Chapel will also invite prayers for all impacted by the wildfires. 

Students interested in assisting with relief efforts may email Dr. Jen Reid (, director of the Alumni Memorial Union and Student Engagement, or Steve Blaha (, director of Campus Ministry to get connected. 

Campus Ministry asks everyone to keep those affected and the first responders in your prayers. 

Prayer for victims of wildfires 

Oh Lord, we in the Marquette University community pray for our family, friends, alumni and benefactors who have been affected by the devastating fires currently burning throughout our land. 

Fire is so very necessary for our existence, and yet, when it gets out of control, it can be more damaging than anything else. We ask God for protection against destroying fire. Keep our lives, our homes, buildings, woods and fields safe from this scourge. Help us to always use care and caution in our use of fire. Bring the waters of refreshment to quench the fires and the thirst of those who fight to protect and save us from fires. 

Give us a saving fear of the fires that destroy. Help us to control them. Give us the fire of passion in our hearts that we may help those in need. 
