Register for the Dreamers Gala, March 20  

Marquette students, faculty, staff, alumni and community members are invited to participate in the 10th Annual Dreamers Gala on Thursday, March 20.

This event celebrates Marquette’s undocumented students and raises funds for the endowed Ignacio Ellacuría, S.J., Dreamers Scholarship, which provides financial assistance to full-time students who are not eligible for federal financial aid.  

Students are once again at the forefront of the effort to organize the gala and expand the impact of the scholarship. This year’s theme is A Decade of Dreaming: Rooted in Hope, Growing in Strength. Registration is now open

Join others in honoring our students’ journey and renew our commitment to creating spaces where Dreamers can continue to flourish for generations to come — a legacy of dreams rooted deeply and growing ever stronger. The deadline to register online is March 11.

If your Marquette college, division, or other campus unit would like to sponsor students or employees to attend, please do not use the registration link; contact Jacki Black directly. 

For registration questions, please email University Special Events or call 414-288-7431.  

If you cannot participate but wish to support this effort, you may consider an in-kind donation for the raffle, or you can donate directly to the scholarship

For questions about the Dreamers Gala, contact Dr. Jacki Black, director of Hispanic initiatives and diversity and inclusion educational programming.