Tuesday night Mass to be livestreamed June 18; Masses available throughout week 

All are invited to the 10 p.m. Mass at the St. Joan of Arc Chapel on Tuesday, June 18. The Mass will additionally be livestreamed as we celebrate the life of President Michael R. Lovell. If you are planning to attend, either in-person or virtually, please register online

Mass will additionally be offered at noon at St. Joan of Arc Chapel on the following days: 

  • Monday, June 17 
  • Wednesday, June 19 
  • Friday, June 21 

There will be no Mass or Eucharistic exposition on Thursday, June 20, as the campus community gathers for President Lovell’s Mass of Christian Burial

Members of the university community are invited to spend time by the cross on the second floor of the Alumni Memorial Union next to the information desk, write a message on a ribbon and affix it to the cross.

The campus community is also invited to share a message in one of two books of remembrance which will be given to the Lovell family. Books have been placed in the AMU near the cross and in St. Joan of Arc Chapel.

The cross and books of remembrance will remain until the Gift of Time.