Earlier this week, university leaders announced Marquette 2031: Securing Our Future, a multi-year effort focused on operational and financial health to better position the university to deliver on the new Marquette 2031 strategic plan and thrive for generations to come.
Following the announcement and with shared governance as a cornerstone, co-chairs Dr. Jill Guttormson, dean of the College of Nursing, and Ralph Weber, acting general counsel, invited Steering Committee members from Academic Senate, Faculty Council, the University Faculty Committee on Budgets and Financial Planning, Staff Senate, the University Financial Planning and Review Committee, and faculty and staff representing areas across campus. Additional faculty with key expertise and representing shared governance bodies will be invited following an expected discussion of the nominees and vote at a special meeting of Academic Senate in early April. These nominations will be assembled by the Academic Senate Executive Committee.
Current Marquette 2031: Securing Our Future Steering Committee members include:
- Dr. Jill Guttormson, dean of the College of Nursing
- Ralph Weber, acting general counsel, Office of University Relations
- Dr. Manoj Babu, instructor of practice, College of Business Administration; member, University Academic Senate
- Dr. Lowell Barrington, associate professor of political science, Klingler College of Arts and Sciences; chair of the University Faculty Committee on Budgets and Financial Planning
- Mike Broeker, deputy athletics director, Intercollegiate Athletics
- Dr. Sumana Chattopadhyay, associate professor of digital media and dean for graduate studies and research, Diederich College of Communication; member, University Faculty Committee on Budgets and Financial Planning
- Michael Danduran, clinical associate professor of exercise science, College of Health Sciences
- Rev. Ryan Duns, S.J., associate professor and chair of theology, Klingler College of Arts and Sciences
- Dr. Jennifer Evans, professor of biomedical sciences, College of Health Sciences; member, Committee on Research
- Chris Gluesing, senior director, planning and project delivery, Facilities Planning and Management
- Calley Hostad, multi-media manager, Diederich College of Communication; chair, University Staff Senate
- Jay Kutka, senior university budget director, Office of Finance; member, University Financial Planning and Review Committee
- Monica MacKay, senior director of university communication, Office of University Relations
- Stacy Mitz, senior associate vice president, University Advancement
- Sarah Piñon, director, Office of Inclusion and Belonging, Student Affairs
- Alix Riley, director, Office of Institutional Research and Analysis; member, Marquette 2031 strategic plan core team
- Liz Sides, director of employment and employee relations, Human Resources
- Dan Smith, deputy chief information officer, IT Services
- Dr. Chris Stockdale, associate professor of physics, Klingler College of Arts and Sciences; chair, University Academic Senate
- Brian Troyer, associate vice provost for enrollment management and dean of undergraduate admission
- Additional faculty members appointed by University Academic Senate will be invited in upcoming weeks.
Project Managers:
- Jean Dole, chief of staff, Office of the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer
- Steve Frieder, senior advisor to the president and corporate secretary, Office of the President
As additional members are invited and accept roles, Steering Committee updates will be shared in Marquette Today.
Steering Committee initial meeting held
The Steering Committee met for the first time Wednesday, March 20, for an introduction to the project. Co-chairs Guttormson and Weber presented the material shared earlier at University Academic Senate and discussed additional invitations in progress.
The Steering Committee’s work will lead to recommendations on ways to achieve the 7% reduction in expenses by 2031 — a goal set by the Executive Leadership Team with the support of the Board of Trustees and the University Leadership Council. No plans or decisions are in place; work begins with listening sessions and meetings with units across campus.
Early meetings with stakeholder groups
This week, the co-chairs presented the Marquette 2031: Securing Our Future initiative with University Academic Senate and University Staff Senate. They plan to return to these groups frequently throughout the process. They will meet with the Graduate Student Organization on Wednesday, April 3, and Marquette University Student Government on Monday, April 15.
Additionally, the co-chairs will visit every college and administrative unit, as well as other campus stakeholders, to hear input and gather ideas before the Steering Committee develops any plans. Progress will be regularly shared with the campus community in Marquette Today and through other stakeholder channels.