A message from President Lovell: Welcome to the fall 2021 semester!

Dear Marquette community,

As we begin another academic year, I hope that you can take some time to reflect on how great it is to be in community this year – it is something that I will never again take for granted.

Over the past two weeks, I’ve been attending orientation, sporting and welcome back events; there is such a renewed excitement and energy on campus. I’ve always stated that what makes Marquette special is its people, and it has been such a pleasure to reconnect with so many of you in person. Although we still must remain safe and cognizant of the pandemic, I look forward to carrying this positive momentum forward in the coming months.

What must remain a priority during this transitional time is our commitment to mental health and wellness. Broad-based studies have shown that over the last 18 months, 50% of students and one-third of adults have suffered from mental health ailments such as depression and anxiety. As a community, we must commit to taking care of our own mental health and looking out for and supporting one another.
Please take advantage of the mental health resources we have on campus for students, faculty and staff. Let us help one another as we rediscover what it means to be together again.

May you all have a successful and blessed year ahead.


Dr. Michael R. Lovell
Marquette University