‘Concealed Language: A Plea for Help’ Marquette Chorus concert, Sept. 27

Marquette Chorus will hold a concert inspired by the art installation “SOS Color Code 2024,” on Friday, Sept. 27, at 5 p.m. in the Haggerty Museum of Art.

No tickets are required.

The international distress signal SOS, adopted in 1908, features a unique and easily identifiable code that offers a sense of calm during life-or-death situations. As the world adjusts to new norms in these challenging times, the Marquette Chorus delves into the concealed language within music.  

Drawing inspiration from “SOS Color Code 2024,” by Petra Bachmaier and Sean Gallero, this reevaluation of language, objects, color, symbols and choral music demonstrates how they can help us find stability and safety wherever we are. In the critical period leading up to the presidential election, “Hidden Language: A Call for Help” highlights how choral music can transform the international distress signal into a symbol of solidarity and connectedness. The blend of symbolic and literal elements in text and music creates meaning through metaphor and concreteness.

“SOS Color Code 2024,” which includes an indoor and outdoor installation, will be on display at the Haggerty Museum of Art through Dec. 21.