New Academic Effectiveness website launched 

The Office of Academic Effectiveness, which was formed as part of the Provost’s Office reorganization in spring 2024, has launched a new website. This new site reflects the reorganization of the Office of Institutional Research and Analysis and the Office of Assessment and Program Review (formerly, the Office of Assessment) under the umbrella of the Office of Academic Effectiveness, led by Alix Riley, chief academic effectiveness officer. 

Much of the content on the new site will be familiar for those who have visited the OIRA or Office of Assessment websites in the past. Some pages have been streamlined or reformatted to improve the user experience. Where possible, website redirects have been set up so users will automatically be redirected to the new website when they visit an old URL. 

“We hope this new website will make it easier for the Marquette community to understand the work that we do and to access information needed for decision-making and for continuous improvement efforts,” Riley said.  

You can visit the new website by going to Please contact Amanda Cook with any questions.