The Marquette Core Curriculum Committee announced Dr. Sergio González, assistant professor of history in the Klingler College of Arts and Sciences, as the winner of the 2024 MCC Teaching Excellence Award.
González specializes in the 20th-century intersection of labor, migration and religion in the United States with a particular focus on the history of Latino communities in the Midwest. He regularly teaches courses in the Foundations and Discovery Tiers of the MCC, including the Honors ESSV1 course, Engaging the City, and a Methods of Inquiry course on Latinx Experiences in Wisconsin.
González was recognized from among a competitive slate of nominees for the 2024 award for his clear contributions to the MCC’s learning outcomes, especially the fourth outcome, “Collaborators Promoting Equity and Justice across Cultural Contexts.”
Nominators praised González’s promotion of community engaged learning in the classroom and his ability to help students see their place in the larger history of Milwaukee. Student comments, meanwhile, stressed the ways his courses encouraged self-conscious learning that invited personal formation in the classroom. Nominators also stressed that González’s teaching is oriented to action, precisely as the Collaborators Promoting Equity and Justice outcome envisions.
The MCC Teaching Excellence Award was created in 2021 to honor instructors whose “effective approaches to course design and delivery have an extraordinary positive impact on students’ progress toward the MCC learning outcomes.” More details on the award can be found on the MCC website.
González was recognized on Thursday, May 2, at the Père Marquette Dinner.
With questions, contact Dr. Conor Kelly, director of the MCC.