Remembering our dead in November

For Catholics and in other Christian traditions, the month of November is traditionally set aside to commemorate the faithful departed and to pray for all who have died. The month begins with the great festivals of All Saints and All Souls, with ofrendas and other memorials. As the Roman Missal reminds us, “For your faithful, Lord, life is changed, not ended.” (Preface I of the Dead). 

Recalling this great tradition, Campus Ministry invites all members of the Marquette community to participate in remembrances and memorials for our departed loved ones and all the dead. Campus Ministry’s Book of the Names of the Dead will be available throughout the month of November outside of the Chapel of the Holy Family in the AMU; we will be praying for those whose names are inscribed in this Book at every Mass this month. If you would like to have Mass said for a specific person, you can email Rev. Nathaniel Romano, S.J., or Rev. Grant Garinger, S.J., or stop by Campus Ministry. 

“Eternal Rest Grant Unto Them, O Lord. And May Perpetual Light Shine Upon Them.”