25Live open for spring general pool room reservations through Dec. 8

Faculty can receive priority in scheduling their space needs for spring 2024 from Thursday, Nov. 30, through Friday, Dec. 8. Reservations can be made through 25Live for breakout rooms, review sessions, additional space for exams given throughout the term, special speakers or other classroom needs. 

While requests are processed throughout the term, space may be limited after Dec. 8.  Colleges/schools/departments may also move forward with reserving space for meetings and other special needs; please note, priority is given to requests directly related to academic classes. 

At the request of the Campus Safety Workgroup and in coordination with the new campus policy regarding evening building access, the Office of the Registrar has worked to limit the number of buildings in use for evening classes.  For this reason, no additional rooms can be scheduled past 6:15 p.m. in Lalumiere Hall and no rooms can be scheduled for use in Emory Clark or Wehr Life Science after 7 p.m.