Civic Dialogues dinners on midterm elections, Oct. 24-Nov. 3

The Marquette Civic Dialogues program wants to hear from you about how to best increase civic engagement at Marquette. The program is hosting several dinners in the weeks before the election.  

Dinners will be held on campus from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. on:

  • Monday, Oct. 24
  • Tuesday, Oct. 25
  • Thursday, Oct. 27
  • Monday, Oct. 31
  • Tuesday, Nov. 1
  • Wednesday, Nov. 2
  • Thursday, Nov. 3

We will email you to confirm the date that works with your schedule. Come connect with other students, share a great meal, and learn more about the candidates and issues in this year’s midterm elections.

To help us improve the Civic Dialogues program, we are asking students to complete two surveys that will each take roughly five minutes or less to complete. In return, you will receive dinner and the opportunity to engage in meaningful discussion with your peers about issues related to the upcoming election.  

If you are interested in participating, please email Savannah Charles, graduate assistant in the Department of Political Science