Engineers Without Borders event, May 2

The Marquette Engineers Without Borders chapter will host a free event on Monday, May 2, from 7 p.m. until 8:15 p.m. in Engineering Hall 236. The schedule will include 15 minutes of Engineers Without Borders club updates and an hour for the Alianza Americas program. The program will consist of a short video, a presentation by Iliana Monterroso, an expert from Alianza Americas and a question and answer session.

Monterroso is an environmental scientist with the equity, gender, justice and tenures team for the Center of International Forestry Research. She has extensive experience in facilitating multi-stakeholder platforms involving indigenous peoples, descendants and grassroots organizations.

For this event, Monterroso will be focusing on Guatemala and how climate change has been affecting indigenous populations there.

No prior registration is required. This event will also have an online link for anyone wishing to join virtually.