Dr. Corinne Bloch-Mullins, associate professor of philosophy in the Klingler College of Arts and Sciences, has been named the 2022-23 Way Klingler Sabbatical Fellowship Award winner.
The Sabbatical Review Committee nominates the Way Klingler Sabbatical Fellowship Award winner, who receives his or her full salary, plus two additional months of summer pay and $10,000 to fund travel and expenses related to research conducted during the year-long sabbatical.
Bloch-Mullins specializes in the study of concepts, mental constructs that refer to categories of objects or phenomena. She studies the formation, development and application of both ordinary and scientific concepts and the role that scientific concepts play in investigative practice.
Receiving the Way Klingler Sabbatical Fellowship Award will allow Bloch-Mullins to collaborate with Dr. Robert Goldstone, distinguished professor and chancellor’s professor of psychological brain sciences at Indiana University, on a project titled “Contours of Similarity.”
Bloch-Mullins and Goldstone will design and run a series of novel empirical and theoretical studies explicating the ways in which the human conceptual apparatus gives rise to the representations by which humans make sense of the world (from basic categories such as “dog” to highly abstract categories such as “justice”).
The project brings together two pillars of Bloch-Mullins’ previous research: the nature of concepts and the study of scientific concepts, their dynamics and their role in investigative practice.
She will be recognized at the Père Marquette Dinner on Thursday, May 5.