Digital Scholarship Lab hosting open house March 24

The Digital Scholarship Lab at Raynor Memorial Libraries invites faculty and graduate students to its open house on Thursday, March 24.

The day will feature demonstrations of digital scholarship projects from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

At noon, a panel featuring the following members will discuss alt-ac careers:  

  • Panelists
    • Benjamin Linzy, senior researcher at the Center for Urban Research, Teaching & Outreach 
    • Kevin Wienke, graduate assistant, history
    • Amanda Zastrow, graduate assistant, Office of Research and Innovation
  • Moderators 
    • Dr. Andrew Kim, director, Center for the Advancement of the Humanities, and associate professor of theology 
    • Dr. Maggie Nettesheim-Hoffmann, director, Career Diversity Initiative, Klingler College of Arts and Sciences

From 1 to 3 p.m., cake will be served in celebration of recent milestones for the institutional repository “E-Publications@Marquette.”

The Digital Scholarship Lab is located on the lower level of Raynor. To learn more and RSVP, visit the event website or contact Danelle Orange, coordinator of digital scholarship and programs, at