All faculty and staff opted back in to daily COVID Cheq; vaccinated individuals will receive ‘cleared’ pass automatically

Starting this week and in preparation for the start of the semester, all faculty and staff who were previously opted out of the daily COVID Cheq (due to remote work or other reasons) have been opted back in.

Those who have uploaded their vaccine cards do not need to complete the daily questionnaire. They will automatically receive a green “cleared to come to campus” pass via email each morning.

Those who have not uploaded their vaccine information will be required to complete the daily questionnaire. Note that you will be flagged for repeated failure to complete the daily symptom screening. If necessary, disciplinary actions may be taken.

To request to opt out altogether, you must be fully remote (five days a week). Request an opt-out here.

In addition to COVID Cheq, those who do not upload vaccine information will be required to participate in mandatory testing, quarantine for 14 days if they came into close contact with someone infected with COVID-19 and follow all other university-wide protocols related to COVID-19 mitigation. Unvaccinated individuals should also follow CDC guidelines for unvaccinated individuals.

Learn more by visiting Marquette’s COVID Cheq webpage. With questions, please email