On Friday, Dec. 11, President Michael R. Lovell, Provost Kimo Ah Yun and Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Joel Pogodzinski participated in an interview with University Academic Senate and Staff Senate in which they answered questions from faculty and staff representatives.
Facilitated by Dr. Sumana Chattopadhyay, chair of UAS, Dr. Alexandra Crampton, faculty council chair, and Cliona Draper, chair of Staff Senate, the interview was recorded and is now available on the Economic Planning website (please note this site requires VPN and a Marquette log-in).
During the interview faculty and staff requested that specific information on the work groups be posted in one accessible place. The Economic Planning website contains a section on Economic Planning work streams, which outlines the work group leaders and members as well as their criteria, goals and deadlines. The site also has a FAQs page that details work stream and other information.