Absentee voting encouraged for upcoming election; students should plan ahead

Eligible students are encouraged to register to vote in the upcoming election on Tuesday, Nov. 3, 2020.

Due to  COVID-19, the Wisconsin Election Commission is encouraging eligible Wisconsin voters to vote absentee for the 2020 Presidential General Election Day. Please note: You must already be a registered voter to request an absentee ballot. If you have a Wisconsin driver’s license or state issued ID, registering online is easy. Visit myvote.wi.gov to register.

Students who are not from Wisconsin can register to vote in their home states / municipalities and request absentee ballots. Many states are also encouraging absentee voting this year. Visit the Marquette Voter Information page for links to state election information, which is listed under the first FAQ.

Please note that you can only vote once in an election (e.g. if you vote absentee in Minnesota, you cannot also vote in Wisconsin).

Visit marquette.edu/vote for more information.