In order to promote a healthy and safe workplace for all, supervisors of student employees must follow the safety protocols laid out by the university COVID task force. Take note of all reminders and requirements and be sure to complete the necessary tasks before returning to campus.
- All student employees must complete the workplace safety module training (administered by HR) before returning to their job on campus.
- All employees must undergo the pre-work health screening protocol.
- Replacing a full-time employee who was terminated or whose position was eliminated for any reason with a student employee (FWS or not) is prohibited.
- Student workers require supervision. They cannot be granted access to the workplace without a supervisor present. You may set up a digital workplace platform with the student workers, but depending on the work, digital safety, security and confidentiality are of paramount importance. Please consult the supervisor guide and/or the employee guide for additional guidance.
- With perhaps fewer available jobs this year, we encourage departments who can hire Federal Work Study (FWS) students to do so.
- FWS is a federal financial aid program designed to provide part-time employment for eligible students. Marquette University receives an allocation from the federal government each fiscal year which is used, in combination with employer funds, to provide part-time jobs for students. Not only does it save the department and university money, but it helps to maintain governmental funding for the program into the future. Consult the JobConnection Employer Manual for details on how to check a student’s Federal Work Study eligibility (see p. 39).
- All employees on campus, including student employees, need to follow the university’s safety/COVID-19 policies and procedures.
- Employees working on campus should practice social distancing, wear a face covering and wash your hands frequently. We are all responsible for the health of our community. Clean and disinfect work spaces before work—not after—to be efficient with supplies.
- If you or a member of your staff is not feeling well, stay home and do not come to campus.
- If you, your staff, or student staff contracts COVID-19, you are encouraged to complete the COVID 19 Employee and Student Voluntary Disclosure Form.
- Student workers are not eligible for paid sick leave. It is illegal to modify a time sheet to reflect hours a student did not work.
With questions, contact Eric Wolffersdorff, student employment manager.