Marquette Today guidelines

About Marquette Today

Marquette Today is the umbrella brand for today.marquette.eduMarquette Today emails and the related social media accounts (@marquettetoday on Facebook, @MarquetteToday on Twitter and @mutoday on Instagram).

Marquette Today is the primary communication vehicle for sharing university news and events with Marquette University faculty, staff and students. This daily email includes campus news, events, research, awards and accomplishments, media placements and feature articles on strategic university initiatives. Featured news items are determined by the Office of Marketing and Communication. High-priority notices as determined by university leadership are also sent periodically.


Marquette Today emails are sent to all faculty, staff and students every Monday through Friday during the academic year, except during academic breaks. During the summer and during academic breaks, Marquette Today is sent less frequently.

The deadline to submit items is three days prior to the intended publishing date.

Content submitted to Marquette Today will typically be posted to within 24 hours on weekdays, depending on time sensitivity of the information submitted.

Because of the immense amount of editorial content su­bmitted, especially during the academic year, articles will be published once. Some articles may be updated if additional information is required or event details change.

Content submission guidelines

The audience for Marquette Today is first and foremost an internal one – faculty, staff and students.

As such, it is also a broad audience, reaching across all departments and schools. Items included must be applicable to most of campus (i.e. department specific events or events only open to a small group would not be a fit for Marquette Today and should be promoted via other communication channels).

Indicate in your submission if your content is more relevant to faculty and staff or students, or relevant to both audiences.

  • Only Marquette-related news is publicized via Marquette Today.
  • Events must be hosted/co-hosted by an official Marquette group or organization in order to be included in Marquette Today.

Inclusion of all news items is at the editor’s discretion.

Article priority within Marquette Today emails

Article priority is determined by the topic’s level of importance to the university, as well as its timeliness.

Style and editing

OUR staff will edit submissions for style, length and clarity. Articles are structured as news articles, not promotional ads, and follow the University Style Guide and Associated Press style.

If your news item or event is not relevant to most of campus, there are multiple other outlets through which your message can better reach your target office. For assistance, email or call (414) 288-7448.


Marquette Today submissions should be made through this form. If interested in speaking to Marquette Today staff directly, email:

Jack Goods
Communication Specialist
(414) 288-6195

Chris Stolarski
Associate Director of University Communication
(414) 288-1988