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#Sourdough rhetoric: multisensory media traces that are good enough to eat


Wednesday, Jan. 29, 2025


4:00 p.m.


Marquette Hall 105

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FAME (Friends and Alumni of Marquette English) will host an interactive presentation by Dr. Ashley M. Beardsley, assistant professor of English and writing center director at Western Illinois University, on Wednesday, Jan. 29, at 4 p.m. in Marquette Hall 105.  

How has the circulation of cooking knowledge changed since the 19th century? What if scholars used baking and eating as part of their research, writing and teaching practices? These questions are the base ingredients for Beardsley’s hands-on exploration of baking as a feminist rhetorical practice. Join us and learn how sourdough and social media can be used to challenge the mind/body split and complicate our ways of knowing.