Kevin Keenan
IWL Accepting applications for spring 2023 IWL Faculty Fellows Program
Marquette University faculty are invited to apply for the spring 2023 cohort of the Institute for Women’s Leadership Faculty Fellows. IWL Faculty Fellows work to advance gender-related research in a supportive environment for the Institute for Women’s Leadership and share their research with a wide audience. More details are available online and directly in the…
College of Business Antwerp study abroad info sessions, Nov. 9
The College of Business Administration’s Study Abroad Antwerp Program is having info sessions on Wednesday, Nov. 9, at 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. in Straz Hall 265. This three-week program, led by retired deans Joe Terrian and Jeanne Simmons, will return to the University of Antwerp in Antwerp, Belguim, for the 30th summer. The…
Celebrate the 707 Hub’s fifth anniversary, Nov. 10
Join Marquette students, alumni and friends of innovation for a celebration of the fifth anniversary of the 707 Hub on Thursday, Nov. 10, from 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the 707 Hub. The 707 Hub, Marquette’s cross-campus innovation space, launched in 2017. The 707 Hub is known for a culture of inclusion, where change…
Applications for Participating Faculty Research Achievement Award due Nov. 29
The Participating Faculty Achievement Award is intended to recognize research/scholarship accomplishments of non-tenure track faculty at Marquette University. Applications, including one support letter, are due Tuesday, Nov. 29, by 4:30 p.m. An award of $3,000 will be provided to a full-time participating faculty member based on their record of scholarly activity, preferably at Marquette, within…
Men Allies for Gender Equity Workshop, Nov. 17 and 18
The Men Allies for Gender Equity Workshop, hosted by ADVANCE Advocates and Allies, will run on Thursday, Nov. 17, and Friday, Nov. 18. The workshop aims to equip men to serve as effective allies for gender equity in STEM settings. This workshop is for male Marquette University faculty only. It is structured as an interactive…
MU Career Closet volunteer event, Nov. 17 and 21
Join the Marquette Career Closet and founder Mayra Alaniz, this month’s President’s Difference Maker, in making a difference for students on campus in need of professional clothes. Volunteers are needed on Thursday, Nov. 17, and Monday, Nov. 21, on the third floor of Holthusen Hall to sort through clothing donations. Sign up for a volunteer…
Marquette Indigeneity Lab launches website
The Indigeneity Lab at Marquette University has launched a website to highlight the research of the lab, which includes: The Indigenous Milwaukee Mapping Project directed by Dr. Bryan Rindfleisch, associate professor of history in the Klingler College of Arts and Sciences The Indigenous Wild Rice Project directed by Dr. Michael Schläppi, professor of biological sciences…
Data management plans: Guidance for Marquette researchers, Nov. 9
The Raynor Memorial Libraries, Information Technology Services and the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs will host an interactive webinar on Wednesday, Nov. 9, at 11 a.m. about data management plans (DMPs) and why they are critical to your research. The webinar will cover: Why you should create a DMP Components of a DMP…
Klingler Arts and Sciences’ Celebration of Research, Nov. 8
The Klingler College of Arts and Sciences will host its annual poster session on Tuesday, Nov. 8, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the AMU Monaghan Ballrooms. A short program will start at 11:30 a.m. This event showcases and celebrates the many contributions and rich variety of research that takes place within the Klingler…
Touchstones: Stories of Hope and Inspiration, Nov 11
Join the Faber Center virtually on Friday, Nov. 11, from noon to 12:45 p.m. as Kate Trevey, Nana Fotsch Director of the Fotsch Innovation and Engineering Leadership Development (FIELD) Center, shares highlights of how her journey has impacted her life and work at Marquette. Register online. A link to join will be emailed upon…