U-RISE application deadline extended to Feb. 26

The application deadline for U-RISE has been extended to Monday, Feb. 26.

U-RISE at Marquette is an NIH-funded undergraduate research training scholarship program with the goal of increasing participation from students traditionally underrepresented in biomedical research. U-RISE encourages these students to pursue Ph.D. or M.D. degrees and biomedical research careers.

Eligible applicants include sophomores of all STEM majors who are committed to pursuing a Ph.D. in a biomedical-related field and are from an underrepresented group in the biomedical sciences as defined by the NIH.

U-RISE scholars also receive an approximately $12,000 stipend and scholarship support up to $16,000 in addition to travel support for conferences and summer research training.

A complete application includes an online form, responses to four brief essay questions, one letter of recommendation and an unofficial transcript.

For more information visit the website.