Sign up by Feb. 5 to do service trip with the Marquette Action Program

The Marquette Action Program, sponsored by Campus Ministry, is a week-long service trip during spring break. Students travel together in a rented minivan to a social-justice-themed location 6-12 hours away from Milwaukee.

The group leaves Saturday, March 9, and returns Saturday, March 6. During the week, students experience spring break in ways that leave a lasting impression. 

Each location experience offers opportunities for solidarity of service with the host communities. The immersion encounter affords students experiential insight on the dynamics of power and social responsibility through the lens of social justice. A significant amount of time is devoted to engaging with host communities in ways that offer service, as well as sharing in the recreation and culture. Travelers also spend time reflecting on how their actions might advocate for the dignity of others.

The cost is $250 and includes travel, housing, a T-shirt and food. Students can register online by Monday, Feb. 5. 

For more information contact (414) 228-3694, Vevette Hill-Nwagbaraocha or stop in Campus Ministry in AMU 236.