Marquette Business

Sustainability 2.0 Conference to be held on Tuesday, Oct. 24 in Alumni Memorial Union 

ESG and sustainability experts will gather from around the country for the fourth annual “Marquette Sustainability 2.0 Conference” on Oct. 24 to discuss how the adoption of ESG and sustainability standards in business and industry continue to give rise to an emerging paradigm for responsible and ethical business practice. 
Kristina Wyatt, the chief sustainability officer at climate management firm Persefoni, will be this year’s keynote speaker. Wyatt is a leader in the climate disclosure and carbon management solutions space and continues to provide leadership to a wide array of industries on the issue of decarbonization. 
The Sustainability 2.0 Conference is the midwest’s largest conference on sustainable finance and business. Firms representing $3.2 trillion in assets under management and companies with a market cap of nearly $500 billion attended last year’s conference. 

Registration for the conference begins at 9 a.m. and the program runs from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., with an hourlong reception to follow. A full agenda can be found here
To register or ask further questions, contact Admission is free for Marquette students, staff and faculty.