The Poverty Research Initiative invites the campus community to take part in a social networking event on Thursday, Sept. 28, to build community partnerships. Join fellow faculty and staff, as well as community partners, and engage students in focusing on the issue of poverty in our communities.
The event will be held from 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. in the 707 Hub. Register online.
The PRI aims to find areas of commonality and influence as it addresses community activities surrounding the eradication of poverty for the specific purpose of developing collaborative relationships and research teams interested in partnering and potentially grant-seeking.
Attendees will have the opportunity to share short presentations to the audience describing their area of expertise/research and how this impacts poverty. If you are interested in this approach to showcase your thoughts and research interest and areas, reach out to Dr. Manoj Babu, steering committee member of the PRI.
Light appetizers will be available. The PRI encourages those interested to invite others who share similar interest and passion regarding this topic.