Facilities Planning and Management has scheduled a power outage for the buildings listed below starting at 3 p.m. on Saturday, March 12, and finishing at 11 a.m. on Sunday, March 13.
This outage is necessary to tie in power to the new home of Marquette Business and innovation leadership programs.
The following buildings will be affected:
- Alumni Memorial Union
- Al McGuire Center
- Carpenter Tower
- Cobeen Hall
- The Commons
- Holthusen Hall
- Jesuit Residence
- Schroeder Hall
- Structure 2
- Weasler Auditorium
- Zilber Hall
Please take all necessary precautions and shut down sensitive equipment beforehand.
If you have any questions, please contact Rick Rand, service manager in the office of Facilities Planning and Management, at 414-852-1266 or via his email at richard.rand@marquette.edu.