Reminders for 2021-22 health plan ID cards

In preparation for the new benefits year, Human Resources shares the following reminders regarding 2021-22 health plan ID cards: 

  • New medical plan ID cards will be re-issued for all members electing medical plan benefits for 2021. They will arrive near the start of the new year.   
  • New dental cards will only be issued if you newly joined the dental plan in 2021, or added/dropped coverage for family members.  
  • VSP does not issue ID cards and instead uses your 9-digit MU ID to identify the benefits available to you.  
  • New Discovery Benefits debit cards (with new WEX/MU brand) will only be issued for those newly electing FSA/HSA, or for expiring, reported lost or additional card requests.
  • View your current and future benefit information at Marquette Benefits Enrollment. 

With questions about ID cards or plan benefits, contact the providers directly.   

Health Plan Carrier Contact Information 
UMR (medical) 




(retail pharmacy) 



Postal Prescription Services 

(mail order pharmacy) 




(specialty medications) 

(8550) 847-3553  


Delta Dental (dental) 



VSP (vision) 



Discovery Benefits (FSA/HSA) 
