How Dining Services is supporting students in quarantine / isolation 

Dining Services shares the following updates with the Marquette community about its operational plan for students in quarantine or isolation. This information was already shared with Schroeder Hall students. 

The university’s food services continues to adapt to changing circumstances due to COVID-19. Students who are not currently in quarantine or isolation should use this information for future reference in case they find themselves in quarantine at any point.

Services for Schroeder Hall students in quarantine: 

  • Sodexo’s partners at Kellogg’s generously provided a large variety of snacking items for students. 
    • Dining Services will set up a table in the Schroeder dining hall for students to grab snacks during off-meal periods. Marquette’s Dining Services team is also working to provide additional snacking options and special meals in the coming week. 
  • Schroeder’s menu will be rotating daily as opposed to weekly. 
  • Dining Services has increased its vegan and vegetarian offerings with a variety of products including new items from Morning Star Farms. 
  • Students with dietary needs or restrictions are encouraged to email Lucas, the Dining Services dietitian at  
  • Hours of operation have been adjusted to add three meal periods every day of the week. Please visit the Sodexo website for these hours.  

Non-Schroeder Hall Students who are quarantined or in isolation in the residence halls or at the Ambassador Hotel

  • When students are placed in quarantine or isolation, Dining Services emails students with weekly menu options. 
  • Accommodations will be made for students with dietary needs or restrictions. With questions, contact Lucas, the Dining Services dietitian, at  
  • Quarantined students can pick up meals near the front desk. Students in isolation will have meals delivered to their doors by Office of Residence Life staff 
  • Lunch is delivered between noon and 12:30 p.m. each day. Dinner and breakfast (for the next day) is delivered between 5 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. Dining Services also provides additional snack items with these meals. 

Dining Services supports students during this time. Staff continue to work on the front lines each day to serve the Marquette community and improve the quarantine / isolation experience by providing a quality dining experience. 

Dining Services continues to make changes daily and welcomes feedback. With feedback or questions, contact Alex Abendschein, marketing manager for Marquette Dining Services.