Marquette computers must be upgraded to Windows 11; upgrade prior to Feb. 16 

Windows will end its support for the Windows 10 operating system later this year. To ensure optimal performance, enhanced security, and access to the newest features and improvements, all university-owned Windows computers must be upgraded to Windows 11. 

The upgrade process takes up to two hours and includes several automatic restarts. Users can schedule the upgrade for optimal periods before and during the upgrade window – set for Feb. 14-16 – to mitigate disruption to work processes. 

Nearly 2,000 computers have already been upgraded, including those in all general pool classrooms and most department classrooms labs. 

How to upgrade 

Users have three options for upgrading to Windows 11: 

  1. Preferred method: Use Microsoft Software Center at your convenience before Friday, Feb. 14. The ideal time to do this is at the end of your day so it is complete when you return to the office. Detailed instructions are available in the Windows 11 in-place upgrade guide
  2. Scheduled upgrade: If you are interested in having your device update over the weekend window, you must: 
    • Leave desktop computers on over the weekend 
    • Either (1) leave your laptop on, at the office and connected to campus Wi-Fi, or (2) leave your laptop on and connected to the VPN at home 
  3. Post-scheduled upgrade: If you opt out of the first two methods, your computer will automatically download and prepare for the upgrade the next time you log in post-Feb. 16. You will be prompted to reboot once the download is complete, without an option to delay. 

Compatibility with current applications, files and programs 

The Marquette community should experience minimal to no disruption following the upgrade. 

Microsoft states that 99% of software applications are compatible with Windows 11, and all IT Services supported applications have been confirmed compatible with Windows 11. 

Users or departments must verify Windows 11 compatibility and, if needed, purchase new versions for any applications not on the list of IT Services supported applications.   

The in-place upgrade should not affect your files, documents and programs. Note: It is best practice to save all documents to OneDrive. 

In terms of user experience, most have noted the differences between Windows 10 and Windows 11 are minimal. 

Replacing computers 

Any computers that do not meet the minimum requirements for Windows 11 must be replaced or removed from the university network. CRP computers will be replaced through the CRP program, while the responsibility for non-CRP computers falls on the user or department. 

For more details, visit the Introducing Windows 11 knowledge article on the TechSquad Portal. Contact IT services TechSquad with any questions.