Arts & Sciences

‘Loneliness: A Theological Appraisal,’ Feb. 11

The Department of Theology will welcome Rev. Graham Ward, emeritus regius professor of divinity at the University of Oxford and extraordinary professor of systematic theology at the University of Stellenbosch in South Africa, for a theological discussion on loneliness on Tuesday, Feb. 11, at 3:30 p.m. in Marquette Hall 105.

Father Ward will consider how social isolation, being alone and loneliness differ; what different disciplines — theology, philosophy and literature — have to say about the value of solitude; and what does it mean to be ‘alone with the alone.’

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An Anglican priest, Father Ward is one of the leading minds writing on the intersections of literature and theology and religion and philosophy. Recent books include “Another Kind of Normal: Ethical Life II,” “Theology and Religion: Why It Matters,” and “Unimaginable: What We Imagine and What We Can’t.” He also writes poetry and ghost stories.