‘Taking AI Agents to Production,’ discussion, Feb. 18

The Northwestern Mutual Data Science Institute will host “Taking AI Agents to Production” as part of its regular virtual speaker series on Tuesday, Feb. 18, from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.

Register online by Monday, Feb. 17. 

This session’s speaker is Heiko Zuerker, enterprise architect principal at Northwestern Mutual, who will discuss how Northwestern Mutual has embraced generative artificial intelligence since it went viral, immediately recognizing its value and the opportunities it provides.

Learn how Zuerker’s team took the next step forward by leveraging AI agents to create an advanced internal support bot. This presentation will explore the decisions made, the architecture and technology used, the challenges faced, the solutions found and the lessons learned.

The NMDSI is a collaboration between Marquette, the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee and Northwestern Mutual with the goals of furthering research, corporate and community applications, and talent development in data science.