IWL presents WISDOM: Women Leading in Finance and Business, Feb. 24 

Join the Institute for Women’s Leadership and Northwestern Mutual for a WISDOM panel discussion on Monday, Feb. 24, from 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the 707 Hub. Registration can be found online. A complimentary meal will be provided.

This event will include a panel of accomplished women working in the financial and business worlds who will share information about their career journeys, answer questions about the industry, and advise on navigating a career in the financial and business worlds. Participants can network, get career tips, discover new opportunities and get advice on growing in the industry.

The panelists include: 

  • Maria Black, CLM, MBA, firmwide director of administration and office operations at Michael Best & Friedrich LLP 
  • Islara Vasquez Leingang, MPA, CNP, vice president of finance and operations at the Make-A-Wish Foundation 
  • Xia Liu, CFA, executive vice president and chief financial officer at WEC Energy Group 
  • Shirley McFarlane, financial advisor at Northwestern Mutual