Arts & Sciences, Education

Marquette’s Institute for Women’s Leadership publishes white paper on ‘speaking truth to stigma’ 

The Institute for Women’s Leadership has released its spring 2024 faculty fellows paper titled, “Giving Voice to the Unheard: Words from Women Speaking Truth to Stigma.” The paper can be read online

The white paper includes research from the following faculty fellows: 

  • Dr. Sabirat Rubya, assistant professor of computer science in the Klingler College of Arts and Sciences: “Developing a Supportive Storytelling Platform for Postpartum Depression: Using AI to Help New Mothers Feel Heard and Understand” 
  • Dr. Daniel Collette, teaching assistant professor of philosophy in the Klingler College of Arts and Sciences: “Jacqueline Pascal and Port Royal as a Community of Resistance”  
  • Dr. Alie Kriofske Mainella, assistant professor of counselor education and counseling psychology in the College of Education: “Not Your Mother’s Menopause: The Mental Health Impact of the Menopause Transition” 

This cohort of faculty fellows are individuals who play a significant role in advancing gender-based research in the field of health and social sciences. IWL sponsors white papers to advance and translate academic research about gender, equity, and leadership to the wider world. 

Their gender-related research topics work to break down stigma and encourage others to believe women in their lived and shared experiences. IWL faculty fellows bring their unique expertise in asking important questions and making strides in their field of research. Together, they support IWL’s mission of commitment to intersectional inclusivity and gender equity through engaging discussion, inspiring community-based research, and transforming lives based on today’s most important issues. 

“Giving Voice to the Unheard” culminates the work done in spring 2024, when its authors were IWL faculty fellows, and was completed in fall 2024. 

Contact IWL Coordinator Sarah Camp with any questions.