Students encouraged to participate in Science Coalition’s video challenge; deadline is Oct. 20 

The Science Coalition, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization of more than 50 of the nation’s leading public and private research universities, is hosting its sixth annual video challenge in which students are encouraged to create videos highlighting the importance of scientific research. 

Graduate and undergraduate students can submit a 60 to 90-second video explaining: 

  1. Who you are and the university at which you study. 
  2. An example of interesting research and how it benefits the world now or could in the future. The example can be from your own research or that of others. 
  3. Why continued federal support for fundamental research is critical to our nation’s future. In other words, why should Congress “Fund it Forward”? 

Submissions will be accepted through Friday, Oct. 25.   

Cash prizes will be awarded to the top three graduate and undergraduate winners.  

To learn more or to submit your video, visit the Science Coalition website.  

Marquette has had success in the competition.