Sign up to be a poll worker on Election Day 

Students, faculty and staff interested in serving as a non-partisan poll worker are encouraged to visit the My Vote Wisconsin website for more information. Poll workers serve in their registered voting location and are paid for their time. Half-day shifts are available. 

If you are interested, find your clerk by searching using your address on My Vote Wisconsin. Then fill out a short form and submit the request to your municipal clerk. All poll workers must go through a training session, for which they are paid. 

To be a poll worker, a person must: 

  • Be a qualified elector of the county in which the municipality is located (i.e., an adult citizen of the United States who has resided in the election district for 28 consecutive days and is not otherwise disqualified to vote) 
  • Be able to read and write fluently in the English language 
  • NOT be a candidate for any office to be voted on at the polling place at that election. 

Poll workers do everything from check-in voters, help people register to vote, check photo IDs and process absentee ballots. Your local clerk will provide you with training prior to election day for the job you will be doing. This is a great opportunity to get involved with the democratic process!