Updates on Strategic Plan 2031 

Following recent presentations to and feedback from the Dean’s Council and University Leadership Council, the Strategic Plan 2031 Core Team continues to refine the outcomes, milestones, resources, metrics and contingencies outlined in the plan’s implementation proposals, which the 18 priority leads and their respective teams developed in May.  

The Executive Leadership Team will use this information to determine how the Strategic Plan 2031 priorities will be sequenced and resourced. Metrics will be used to measure progress toward achieving the strategic plan priorities and objectives, and to communicate that progress to the ELT and Board of Trustees. 

In the coming weeks, the ELT will name a Strategic Plan 2031 implementation team. Watch Marquette Today for updates.  

Broad input sought from priority leads and teams, advisory committee 

The Strategic Plan 2031 Core Team is led by Rev. John Thiede, S.J., vice president for mission and ministry, and Dr. Chris Navia, acting vice president for belonging and student affairs, and supported by Alix Riley, chief academic effectiveness officer; Kate Braasch, chief of presidential affairs; and Brigid Alba, assistant director of mission engagement.  

The plan’s priority leads follow:  

  • Rana Altenburg​, associate vice president for public affairs  
  • Rick Arcuri​, executive director of business operations and auxiliary services, Division of Belonging and Student Affairs​  
  • Ian Gonzalez​, vice president for finance  
  • Dr. Jeanne Hossenlopp, vice president for research and innovation​  
  • Dr. Jennifer Maney, director of the Center for Teaching and Learning​  
  • Tim McMahon​, vice president for advancement  
  • Dr. Chris Navia​*, acting vice president for belonging and student affairs 
  • Claudia Paetsch, vice president for human resources​ 
  • Laurie Panella​, chief information officer  
  • Dr. Scott Reid, professor and interim associate dean for academic affairs, Klingler College of Arts and Sciences  
  • Alix Riley​*, chief academic effectiveness officer  
  • Lora Strigens, vice president for planning and facilities management​  
  • Dr. John Su​, vice provost for academic affairs and student success  
  • Rev. John Thiede, S.J.*​, vice president for mission and ministry  
  • Brian Troyer, vice president of enrollment management 
  • Ralph Weber​, vice president and general counsel  

*Indicates core team member 

The priority teams comprise dozens of faculty, staff and students representing relevant expertise and governance bodies from colleges, divisions and offices across campus.  

The Core Team and priority leads are joined by a Strategic Plan 2031 advisory committee to broaden input. Members of the advisory committee, which includes governance body representatives, were nominated by deans, colleagues and senior administrators. The group includes:  

  • Dr. Kati Berg, associate professor and associate dean for academic affairs, Diederich College of Communication  
  • Molly Eldridge, director of development for the Klingler College of Arts and Sciences, University Advancement (Staff Senate representative)  
  • Dr. Andrew Kim, associate professor of theology, Klingler College of Arts and Sciences  
  • Dr. Jennifer Ohlendorf, associate professor, College of Nursing (Academic Senate representative)  
  • Dr. Tim Tharp, associate professor of physics, Klingler College of Arts and Sciences  
  • Dr. Jeffrey Toth, professor and associate dean for research, School of Dentistry