Graduate & Professional Studies, Marquette Business

Marquette Business encourages students to register for career events

College of Business Administration students are encouraged to attend any of the following September career events. All students with an interest in business careers are welcome to participate and network with employers.

If you need help writing a resume and cover letter, coming up with answers for a job interview or networking with alumni, the Business Career Center can help. Students can schedule in-person or virtual appointments via Handshake, which also contains a jobs database and a comprehensive list of events. For quicker conversations, drop in Monday through Friday from 1-3 p.m. in the Swift Student Center to bring your questions to a BCC staff member.

Fall 2024 COBA Resume Blitz: Monday, Sept. 9, 3-5 p.m. in O’Brien Hall 

Want to get an edge and connect with potential employers attending the multiple recruiting events this Fall? Join us for the Fall 2024 College of Business Administration Resume Review Blitz! This exclusive opportunity brings together seasoned professionals and dynamic employers to provide comprehensive resume feedback and insights. 

To prepare you for the recruiting events, you will connect with employer representatives for 10-15 minutes and receive feedback on improving your resume and making it marketable to their industry. 

Although you can drop in for this event on a first come/first served basis, registering ahead of time on Handshake will secure your spot to meet with the employer. 

Finance and Real Estate Recruiting Fair: Tuesday, Sept. 10, 4:30-6:30 p.m. in the Michels Family Forum at O’Brien Hall 

Finance is an industry area with early recruitment norms: many organizations recruit for summer 2025 internships and full-time start dates through August-October. The Finance & Real Estate Recruiting Fair will offer a jump-start opportunity for students and employers to connect through networking and apply for positions. 

All students and alumni with an interest in finance and real estate are encouraged to participate! 

Register through Handshake. RSVPing is not required to attend but is encouraged. 

Company representatives will stand near tables labeled with their company/organization name. Students will be able to approach company representatives for one-on-one or small group conversations. 

Accounting Reverse Pitch Virtual Event: Wednesday, Sept. 11, 5-7 p.m., Virtual 

Accounting is a profession with personalized and early recruiting processes. As such, organizations are eager to meet students early within the school year. Attend this reverse pitch event to learn about employers hiring accounting students. 

A reverse pitch event is like a reverse career fair. During the September 11 program, employers will introduce their organizations to you. Then, at the Meet the Firms Social on September 25, you may introduce yourself to representatives of hiring organizations in-person. 

The Accounting Reverse Pitch Virtual Event will be hosted through Microsoft Teams and moderated by Professor Rich Tobin. Students are encouraged to attend from 5-7 p.m. but may attend for the portion of the event that best fits their schedules. 

Attire: This is a “get to know you” recruiting event. As such, a clean, groomed appearance is recommended. Within the virtual event, attire may span from Marquette gear to a more formal shirt/tie or blouse. A suit is not required or expected for either of these accounting events. 

Questions: please contact Grace at (Senior Career and Industry Advisor, Business Career Center). 

A list of employers attending, their hiring opportunities, timeline, and contact information will be posted prior to the event. You can register on Handshake

Marquette University Fall Career and Internship Fair: Wednesday, Sept. 18, 3-7 p.m. AND Thursday, Sept. 19, 3-7 p.m. in the Monaghan Grand Ballroom at the Alumni Memorial Union (ALL STUDENTS WELCOME, NOT JUST BUSINESS)

This is your chance to meet with representatives from a variety of industries to learn about job opportunities, internships, co-ops and post-graduate service opportunities. Open to both undergraduate and graduate students from all disciplines and all class years, as well as alumni! Pre-registration is encouraged, but not required. 

Looking for positions in business, communications, non-profit, healthcare, education, social services, and post grad/year of service? Come to Non-Tech Day on Sept. 18! 

Looking for positions in engineering, IT, data analytics, and other technical fields? Come to Tech Day on Sept. 19! 

Unable to attend the fair, but still interested in connecting with one of these companies? Contact to find other ways to connect. See a list of employers planning to attend on Handshake

BizNet 2024 at Marquette University: Tuesday, Sept. 26, 5-7 p.m. in the Monaghan Grand Ballroom at the Alumni Memorial Union 

Students with a major or an interest in Information Systems, Operations and Supply Chain Management, Business Analytics, Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and other IT/Data-related jobs and internships are encouraged to participate in BizNet 2024 networking event! Register through Handshake

The networking/recruitment event will be held on campus in the Alumni Memorial Union Ballroom. Students will be able to mingle with company representatives for one-on-one or small group conversations.  Dress is business professional. 

Resume Book: College of Business Administration staff will share a virtual “resume book” with employers containing the resumes of students who register for BizNet by Sept. 16 at 11:59 p.m. Go to the Handshake page for more information on how to be included in the book. 

Questions: Please contact Kelly Wesolowski, Associate Director of the Center for Supply Chain Management, at or 414-288-7089; or Grace Dunn, Senior Career and Industry Advisor, Business Career Center, at or 414-288-7070. 

Accounting Meet the Firms Social: Wednesday, Sept. 25, 5-7 p.m in the Robert and Mary Kemp Plaza outside O’Brien Hall 

By attending this Meet the Firms social, you may connect with and introduce yourself to representatives of hiring organizations. 

The social event will be held in O’Brien Hall on the outside patio. Students and company/firm representatives will have the opportunity to connect for one-on-one and small group conversation over light refreshments. 

Attire: This is a “get to know you” recruiting event. As such, a clean, groomed appearance is recommended. Within the social event, attire may span from Marquette gear to business casual (collared shirt, blouse). A suit is not required or expected. 

Questions: please contact Grace at (Business Career Center, Senior Career and Industry Advisor).