Get into Summerfest free on June 28 by wearing Marquette gear 

Those wearing a Marquette t-shirt or hat will gain free admission to Summerfest on Friday, June 28, from noon to 3 p.m. in celebration of the concert series’ College Pride Day. Free entry will be granted at the midgate promotions booth. 

As part of College Pride Day, three Marquette basketball alumni – Dan Fitzgerald, Steve Novak and Erika Davenport – will take part in the third annual Alumni Charity Challenge tournament at 4 p.m. that afternoon. The former Golden Eagle trio will take on alums from the Wisconsin Badgers, UW-Milwaukee Panthers and UW-Green Bay Phoenix at the Gruber Law Offices Sportszone on the Summerfest grounds to raise money for four charitable organizations. 

Each team is playing for a different organization: Marquette for The Ability Center, Wisconsin for Garding Against Cancer, UW-Milwaukee for the Autism Society of Southeastern Wisconsin and UW-Green Bay for Make-A-Wish Wisconsin. 

Those interested in participating in the event can donate a minimum of $10 in the name of their favorite team or charity through Thursday, June 27. Those who donate will receive one free Summerfest ticket valid for June 28. 

The Ability Center’s mission is to provide people impacted by disabilities with a daily opportunity to be fit, active, healthy and to play. Its vision is to build communities where all abilities are provided a universal opportunity for health, wellness and recreation. 

Visit the Marquette booth to enter to win fun giveaways.

Free admission from noon until 3 p.m. on June 28 is also available for those with a high school ID and those wearing apparel from the following schools: Herzing University, Milwaukee Area Technical College, UW-Milwaukee, UW-Parkside and UW-Whitewater.