A power outage will occur for 12 university buildings beginning at 4 p.m. on Tuesday, June 4, to facilitate equipment replacement at Marquette’s substation following a lightning strike. This outage will last 12 hours and impact:
- Al McGuire Center
- Alumni Memorial Union
- Athletic Performance and Research Center
- Carpenter Hall
- Cobeen Hall
- Dr. E. J. And Margaret O’Brien Hall
- Dr. E. J. O’Brien Jesuit Residence
- Holthusen Hall/Varsity Theatre
- Parking Structure 2
- Schroeder Hall
- Weasler Auditorium
- Zilber Hall
All building systems, including electrical, lighting, mechanical and security, will be affected. Access to these buildings during this outage will need to be coordinated with Facilities Planning and Management and/or Marquette University Police Department.
Facilities Planning and Management recommends all areas affected should turn off and, if possible, unplug all sensitive equipment prior to the outage. This equipment can be restarted after power has been fully restored to the facility.
Any questions or concerns regarding this full power outage should be directed to Scott Malchow at scott.malchow@marquette.edu or (414) 288-3551.