Submit your research poster for the NMDSI artificial intelligence symposium 

The Northwestern Mutual Data Science Institute will host its annual artificial intelligence symposium, “Bridging Innovation and Impact,” on Wednesday, April 24, at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee and virtually. 

As part of this year’s event, the NMDSI will host a networking session in conjunction with a research poster session. Poster submissions are welcomed and encouraged by all members of the NMDSI community (Marquette, UWM and Northwestern Mutual). The NMDSI encourages poster submissions that push the boundaries of data science, AI and its applications in and across a diverse array of domains. 

Participants will present to attendees and should be willing to answer questions and discuss their work.

Apply to present a poster by Sunday, April 14. 

Contact NMDSI Program Manager Mark Zachar with any questions regarding the poster session application.