Students are invited to enjoy a free dinner with Ignite on Wednesday, April 3, from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the AMU Lunda Room, along with an engaging community, an inspiring speaker and prayer.

Ignite will welcome Laura Lindemann, academic advisor in the Opus College of Engineering, who will speak on “Joy & Hopefulness.” Lindeman has served as the director of industry relations in the Opus College of Engineering, a consultant for Titus Talent Strategies and the director of youth formation at St. Francis Borgia Parish in Cedarburg, Wisconsin.
Ignite offers Marquette students an inspiring experience of college community, Catholic faith and prayer welcoming all at Marquette. If you’re interested in meeting new people or exploring how God may be found in all things, come to Ignite.
Ignite Bistro, sponsored by Campus Ministry, will have limited seating and catering capacity. No RSVP is needed.
For more information, contact Steve Blaha, interim director of Campus Ministry.