Students are invited to stop by the second floor of the Alumni Memorial Union on Wednesday, Feb. 21, between 10:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. to sign up to be a Give Marquette Day advocate. Student advocates will receive backpack buttons with iconic Marquette landmarks.
Give Marquette Day is a 24-hour fundraising event where the entire community comes together to support their passions. Advocates help further spread the word via email, text or social media and make a big impact. Save the date for the seventh annual day of giving on Tuesday, March 5. Students can download #GiveMUDay social media graphics here to get a head start in creating a buzz.

YOU + 2: Students who bring two friends to sign up with them at the AMU on Feb. 21 will be entered to win a special prize package featuring exclusive items like a Blue stuffed animal along with other Marquette swag.